Exeter Cathedral
Mural for Exeter City Council offices 2006
Painting illustrated in photographic style to preserve the architectural details. I took many photographs on sunny light days to see which angle to represent. The angle chosen shows the turrets at a diagonal angle up the roof, in triangle formation, and left tower with shadow on east side.

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For a sensible quick start, I had the chosen photograph enlarged onto acetate, then marked and traced basic architectural outlines onto an 8ft x 4ft board, previously primed in white. All aspects of scene are recreated from my photographs. Having a large area gives much scope for adding detail. Cream emulsion paint had acrylic colours added to give the stone colours. The beauty of using household emulsion is that the colours mixed emerge gradually as chalky tones of stone. Layered effect is achieved by using scumble glaze.
The figures carved into the niche frontage have been worn away over time, so the very blurred outlines on some are due to this.
This is one of two murals for ECC, the other being Exeter High Street.